Thursday, January 19, 2017

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Suicide and Self-Harm

Unfortunatelly, many mental illnesses carry with them a risk of suicide and self-harm. This can be especially distressing to you or your love ones.

Some of the signs that you or someone you know may be at risk of suicide include :
  • Financial or legal problems
  • Recent loss or change in circumstances (lost of a loved one, divorce, change in employment)
  • Major depression
  • Previous suicide attempts
  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
What to do if you feel you are at risk of suicide :
  • Contact your psychiatrist as soon as possible
  • Check into a hospital emergency room
  • Seek help from loved ones
  • In emergency call Melinda 2 Hospital 
  • Removed all potential means of suicide wherever possible
  • Have an action plan ready beforehand 
It is important to take suicidal thoughts and feelings seriously, and to get help as soon as possible. Suicidal thoughts and actions are not a personal weakness, but rather a symptom of depression or other mental illness.

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